Whispers of Adulthood

A poem

Apr 27, 2024

Maybe it’s true,

Thinking about my whole life,

my dreams and my goals,

the ambitious spirit I once had,

has gone to Unknown.

Maybe it's true,

The feeling, the love of living,

the joys of being around,

amongst the people has gone.

And maybe it's true,

The age is the reason,

for this pain in my soul,

in my heart,

and in my thoughts.

Maybe it’s true.

But…maybe not,

How should I find out,

Looking for an answer for years,

that already burnt me out.


I have to continue living,

like nothing has changed,

it was all the same,

all the time.

Like as an adult…

It is my first poem. Hope you like it and feel free to comment.




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